Monday, May 26, 2008

Mood: Empty, confused, maybe dazed. iTunes: "History Repeating"by The Proppelerheads featuring Shirley Basey (1998).

And as usual its crash and burn. I always keep telling myself how things might be different if I give 'em a shot. Well, as usual with these affairs, I was wrong, VERY WRONG.

My instinct is usually not wrong and today was one of those days where I failed cause I chose to, no matter how odd a feeling I kept having about this whole mess in the making and how hard (or not so hard) I tried to avoid it. And this time at least we're talking about a well taught specimen, not the kind you would stumble by when having one too many drinks in some random bar...

The key word of this post: AWKWARD.

But, as you would have it, again its the details that set me apart from this one. First of all, what's this obsession with touching me? I've made a point about feeling sceptic about this whole meeting thing, yet you insist on touching me. And please, Dear Reader, don't get me wrong. I've done plenty of touching in the past, but this was ridiculously awkward as it was unappealing. In every way. And did I mention awkward?

This of course had the very unpleasant result of me behaving like I'm interested in a whole bunch of thoughts that are being spewed at me like I'm some sort of feed burner, just feeding and feeding on information. Totally random and useless information that could not even by far be considered chit chat... More like Chinese torture. Once again I probably came across as a conceited, closed minded, retracted person, when it could not be anything else further form the truth. But, I'm terrible at lying, not good for a lawyer.

And as I have mentioned before for like a gazillion times (not here, but in life) I am left with a weird feeling of desolation and despair that doesn't seem to find and end or a north, but it does seem to get bigger and bigger by the minute. Great.

In the mean time, I'll just keep writing on my journal these weird stories until I actually surprise myself in this endless search for that little something to feel a bit different in life.

You keep reading. I'll keep writing.

Mood: Empty, confused, maybe dazed. iTunes: "History Repeating"by The Proppelerheads featuring Shirley Basey (1998).

And as usual its crash and burn. I always keep telling myself how things might be different if I give 'em a shot. Well, as usual with these affairs, I was wrong, VERY WRONG.

My instinct is usually not wrong and today was one of those days where I failed cause I chose to, no matter how odd a feeling I kept having about this whole mess in the making and how hard (or not so hard) I tried to avoid it. And this time at least we're talking about a well taught specimen, not the kind you would stumble by when having one too many drinks in some random bar...

The key word of this post: AWKWARD.

But, as you would have it, again its the details that set me apart from this one. First of all, what's this obsession with touching me? I've made a point about feeling sceptic about this whole meeting thing, yet you insist on touching me. And please, Dear Reader, don't get me wrong. I've done plenty of touching in the past, but this was ridiculously awkward as it was unappealing. In every way. And did I mention awkward?

This of course had the very unpleasant result of me behaving like I'm interested in a whole bunch of thoughts that are being spewed at me like I'm some sort of feed burner, just feeding and feeding on information. Totally random and useless information that could not even by far be considered chit chat... More like Chinese torture. Once again I probably came across as a conceited, closed minded, retracted person, when it could not be anything else further form the truth. But, I'm terrible at lying, not good for a lawyer.

And as I have mentioned before for like a gazillion times (not here, but in life) I am left with a weird feeling of desolation and despair that doesn't seem to find and end or a north, but it does seem to get bigger and bigger by the minute. Great.

In the mean time, I'll just keep writing on my journal these weird stories until I actually surprise myself in this endless search for that little something to feel a bit different in life.

You keep reading. I'll keep writing.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Ok, so lately I've been feeling a bit "not"so perceptive of other peoples attemps at approaching me. I think everything I've been through has forced me into some sort of cluster and now I can't get out of it.

Its sometimes hard to be a loner, but it is for the best. When I'm like this, nobody (including me) gets hurt. I admit that I have tried in the past to open up, but I just keep falling for the wrong type of species. Sometimes I ask myself if its all worth it, to keep trying.

Sometimes I think changing would be best, but then, why would I want to be with someone who would like me for how I look, not for who I am? Or am I the one who is getting things wrong.

I'm currently in the process of "meeting" someone, and I must say that I have my reserves. I just don't want to keep looking for the roulette method of winning, but I'm guessing the only way to try and win the lotto is by actually playing it.

So lets hope for the best. I'll keep you guys posted.

Ok, so lately I've been feeling a bit "not"so perceptive of other peoples attemps at approaching me. I think everything I've been through has forced me into some sort of cluster and now I can't get out of it.

Its sometimes hard to be a loner, but it is for the best. When I'm like this, nobody (including me) gets hurt. I admit that I have tried in the past to open up, but I just keep falling for the wrong type of species. Sometimes I ask myself if its all worth it, to keep trying.

Sometimes I think changing would be best, but then, why would I want to be with someone who would like me for how I look, not for who I am? Or am I the one who is getting things wrong.

I'm currently in the process of "meeting" someone, and I must say that I have my reserves. I just don't want to keep looking for the roulette method of winning, but I'm guessing the only way to try and win the lotto is by actually playing it.

So lets hope for the best. I'll keep you guys posted.


Corpus Christi

El único problema de los domingos cimarrones, es que al otro día uno se levanta como con un vacío interno que le impide lograr un rendimiento cuando menos "mínimo" en el trabjo...

Jesú manífica!


Friday, May 16, 2008

Resultados Electorales

Como saben, en la jornada de hoy fuí Secretario de la mesa electoral donde voto. Y bueno, qué les digo... esto fué lo que pasó:

Nah, ya saben!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Este artículo lo tomo prestado de la Sub-Editora de Diario Libre, la señora Inés Aizpún, una española que se ha aplatanado de lo más bien y no hace más que dar en el clavo cada vez que escribe sobre lo que fuere. De verdad que leer su columna es un respiro de aire fresco. Disfruten ésta reflexión ántes de mañana, y recuerden: AUNQUE SEA POR CHULERÍA, PERO VOTA!!!


"Si vives en una sociedad que vota, ¡vota! Puede que no haya nadie a quien votar a favor, pero seguro que hay alguien a quien votar en contra."  Es el viejo dicho, el que se repite en cada torneo electoral. Y esta vez (como cada vez) está más claro que nunca, tan apasionado será el voto a favor como el voto en contra. Los partidos se han empeñado una vez más en personalizar y polarizar el proceso y lo han logrado.

Y hay opciones. Por los tres partidos tradicionales, con sus vicios y sus fracasos a su paso por el poder, pero también con sus aciertos, que si no, no viviríamos todavía en democracia. Partidos pequeños o muy pequeños, con ofertas quizá no muy diferentes a las tradicionales,  pero sí con personalidades interesantes y que cubren todo el sector ideológico, (si es que quedan ideologías.) Faltará el PNVC, injustamente impedido de participar, precisamente por el organismo que debió haber protegido su derecho a hacerlo.

Se vote a "favor de" o se vote "en contra de",  hay que hacerlo, es el derecho, el respiro que da vivir en libertad y democracia. Es el lujo con que sueñan los que viven en regímenes totalitarios.  Con todos sus defectos, con todas las irregularidades que se quieran denunciar, pero sólo en democracia el pueblo quita y pone gobiernos en las urnas. Y así lo ha hecho aquí cada vez que ha entendido pertinente un cambio.

Votar con la esperanza y la determinación de hacer que el próximo gobierno entienda  que sólo la lucha contra la corrupción y el trabajo sincero para fortalecer las instituciones es la vía segura para salir de la pobreza. Ése es el candidato que hay que  apoyar. Y exigir y exigir y exigir cuando llegue al poder.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sunday, May 04, 2008

So I figure out what to do with this damn blog, and then I don't use it, genius of me.

Lately I've been harboring some ideas on my head, mostly good, some doubtfull and others really bad.

One of those ideas is of course the pending question of the migration problem. More especifically, my migration problem. So ever since I have this job, all I can think about is going on a trip, but then ever since i got this job, I can't travel. Great!

So there's that feeling of "what if". I wont deny to you that this feeling is incredibly heart striking. I do know that I would have a lot of opportunities of having a better future, but then there is all that crap about leaving everything behind and moving on to another country with different rules and annoying immigrants.

Lets wait and see...
So I figure out what to do with this damn blog, and then I don't use it, genius of me.

Lately I've been harboring some ideas on my head, mostly good, some doubtfull and others really bad.

One of those ideas is of course the pending question of the migration problem. More especifically, my migration problem. So ever since I have this job, all I can think about is going on a trip, but then ever since i got this job, I can't travel. Great!

So there's that feeling of "what if". I wont deny to you that this feeling is incredibly heart striking. I do know that I would have a lot of opportunities of having a better future, but then there is all that crap about leaving everything behind and moving on to another country with different rules and annoying immigrants.

Lets wait and see...

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Hellville Deluxe: El Héroe de Barro regresa...

El Héroe de Barro regresa!!!!!!

La web oficial de Enrique Bunbury ha publicado ya la fecha de salida del nuevo disco de Enrique Bunbury, luego del break que lo tenía haciendo proyectos extraños y el mal-que-bien retorno a los escenarios de los Héroes del Silencio.

Será en Septiembre cuando Enrique desfile por la Feria de Muestras de Zaragoza para presentar junto a su nueva banda el disco titulado: "Hellville Deluxe". No quiero ni imaginarme el contenido. En cualquier caso, el disco sale a la venta en Octubre.

En cierto modo, este esfuerzo será como un "Reset" para Enrique, pues ha cedido el rol de productor a Phil Manzanera, quien produjera su primer disco solitario, 'Radical Sonora'. Veamos como este nuevo inicio nos presenta a un Bunbury que ha crecido y madurado mucho musicalmente, espero muchas influencias latinoamericanas, y por el nombre del disco, creo que es cierto eso que dicen del disco más oscuro, más negro y más intimo.

Sólo nos queda esperar, y efectivamente Enrique, así lo haré: "Mientras pueda respirar, aquí te espero..!"