Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Mood: Still kinda drowsy, but more awake. iTunes: "Anidando Liendres" by Enrique Bunbury (2004).

Recently I have acquainted with somebody over Facebook. I am not very fond for adding people I don't know over social networks, for a variety of reasons. But I said what the heck, so I went ahead and played game.

It's nice to see how there are some decent, down to earth people still left in this country, cause even though there is always a "but" or a catch, its refreshing to meet people to talk to about anything and everything in no particular order.

But there's the catch. In this case, we're talking of a dominican Student in L. A., who goes back home tuesday.

I guess we can't have everything we want, can we?

Mood: Still kinda drowsy, but more awake. iTunes: "Anidando Liendres" by Enrique Bunbury (2004).

Recently I have acquainted with somebody over Facebook. I am not very fond for adding people I don't know over social networks, for a variety of reasons. But I said what the heck, so I went ahead and played game.

It's nice to see how there are some decent, down to earth people still left in this country, cause even though there is always a "but" or a catch, its refreshing to meet people to talk to about anything and everything in no particular order.

But there's the catch. In this case, we're talking of a dominican Student in L. A., who goes back home tuesday.

I guess we can't have everything we want, can we?

Mood: Kinda drowsy, but awake. iTunes: "Juicebox" by The Strokes (2005).

In the last couple of days I have been analyzing certain attitudes portrayed by people under certain circumstances, namely I have noticed this at the gym, but you could figure out that these attitudes might be found anywhere there are human beings roaming around.

So yes, I've been hitting the gym again. Its a franchise, so there's a lot of people who attend the business. And being so, I have seen a lot of known faces: From school, old jobs, random places, even movies and the internet. Have you ever been in a situation where you KNOW someone, but you either:

a) Don't remember form where.
b) Don't want to say hi.
c) Don't really know what to do.

In only a week, I have experienced all three.

a) Don't remember from where.

There was this girl, I knew i had acquainted with her somewhere, maybe school or what not. Then there was this guy, who came up to me, said, hi, how are you, how's life, so good you're here, and here I am oblivious to where the hell I had seen this person before.

Solution? Follow your instinct and just say yes to everything they say and you'll be good. Strive to get names out of them without seemingly being obvious as to how far away you seem as to why this person is talking to you. Works like a charm.

b) Don't want to say hi.

This is a doubled edged knife. Cause it might be that you don't want to say hi, or they are avoiding you.  If its you, just look into oblivion everytime they are looking at you. Or do like I do and take time to create this image of you minding over to some dimension to a point where people don't think your really paying attention to anything in particular. That way you can always say you where thinking of something else and didn't notice anybody. If its them, you could 1) play a part and just ignore them too or, like me and depending on the history, 2) go ahead to them, stare at them and make them look at you even though they are trying soooooooo hard to avoid contact. Depending on results, you will look very good and make them feel like shit. Works wonders afterwards.

c) Don't really know what to do.

This one happened to me in a meeting. I knew this guy as my ex-best friend's BF. So since I'm not friends with her (or so she has made it clear to me) I wasn't sure if I was allowed to talk to them, or really pretend nothing was going on. I ignored him in the lobby, but it turned out that they where were going to the same meeting as I did, which brought me to my next conclusion: Always say hi, never go unnoticed and always be charming. You never know when you'll be in need of a "friend" over the yard.

In all cases, please, protocol varies from place to place, form time to time. People will always pretend not to know you, specially in a society like ours, where its important to play faces and show masquerades everywhere you go. SPECIALLY regarding certain gender I will not be defining by name.

I have learned to just play along. In any case, the worst scenario will be that they will behave as they usually do, and all we have to do is turn the other cheek, put on the gloves, and hit them when they least expect it.

Thank God for hypocrisy :-D

Mood: Kinda drowsy, but awake. iTunes: "Juicebox" by The Strokes (2005).

In the last couple of days I have been analyzing certain attitudes portrayed by people under certain circumstances, namely I have noticed this at the gym, but you could figure out that these attitudes might be found anywhere there are human beings roaming around.

So yes, I've been hitting the gym again. Its a franchise, so there's a lot of people who attend the business. And being so, I have seen a lot of known faces: From school, old jobs, random places, even movies and the internet. Have you ever been in a situation where you KNOW someone, but you either:

a) Don't remember form where.
b) Don't want to say hi.
c) Don't really know what to do.

In only a week, I have experienced all three.

a) Don't remember from where.

There was this girl, I knew i had acquainted with her somewhere, maybe school or what not. Then there was this guy, who came up to me, said, hi, how are you, how's life, so good you're here, and here I am oblivious to where the hell I had seen this person before.

Solution? Follow your instinct and just say yes to everything they say and you'll be good. Strive to get names out of them without seemingly being obvious as to how far away you seem as to why this person is talking to you. Works like a charm.

b) Don't want to say hi.

This is a doubled edged knife. Cause it might be that you don't want to say hi, or they are avoiding you.  If its you, just look into oblivion everytime they are looking at you. Or do like I do and take time to create this image of you minding over to some dimension to a point where people don't think your really paying attention to anything in particular. That way you can always say you where thinking of something else and didn't notice anybody. If its them, you could 1) play a part and just ignore them too or, like me and depending on the history, 2) go ahead to them, stare at them and make them look at you even though they are trying soooooooo hard to avoid contact. Depending on results, you will look very good and make them feel like shit. Works wonders afterwards.

c) Don't really know what to do.

This one happened to me in a meeting. I knew this guy as my ex-best friend's BF. So since I'm not friends with her (or so she has made it clear to me) I wasn't sure if I was allowed to talk to them, or really pretend nothing was going on. I ignored him in the lobby, but it turned out that they where were going to the same meeting as I did, which brought me to my next conclusion: Always say hi, never go unnoticed and always be charming. You never know when you'll be in need of a "friend" over the yard.

In all cases, please, protocol varies from place to place, form time to time. People will always pretend not to know you, specially in a society like ours, where its important to play faces and show masquerades everywhere you go. SPECIALLY regarding certain gender I will not be defining by name.

I have learned to just play along. In any case, the worst scenario will be that they will behave as they usually do, and all we have to do is turn the other cheek, put on the gloves, and hit them when they least expect it.

Thank God for hypocrisy :-D


En nuestro país últimamente todos hablan de renovación de partidos. Todo el que haya leído éste blog mal que bien sabe sobre mis antiguas tendencias  Reformistas. Por un tiempo, creí en los procesos de renovación en los que se vertía  mi Partido e incluso colaboré con el proceso. No obstante ví como todo el que no logró lo que quería, no obstante haber perdido elecciones, dejó su casa y se fué donde el vecino a mendigar puestos. Pues eso es lo que han hecho, mendigar puestos en la administración pública para garantizar una parcela que no existe y nadie sabe medir.

Es cierto que las renovaciones implican cambios que en su momento deben surtir los frutos que denoten mejoría y cambio, que respiren novedad. En nuestro país, hablar de renovación y de "Quítate tu, pa' ponerme yo", es exactamente la misma vaina.

Todo esto, porque últimamente he visto como vuelven a hablar de unificación del partido. Blah.

A un grupo lo que le interesa es retomar una posición dominante en el electorado a través de la presentación de propuestas de oposición firme. A otros lo que les interesa es que Leonel sea el "líder" del partido para que no los boten del Gobierno. Blah. Qué cambio es ese?

Lo peor de todo es que ya nadie habla de valores. Vivimos en un país donde a ésta altura del juego Trujillo todavía es un cuco, la gente se cruza en rojo, se para en verde, el país gasta $2,500 Millones de dólares en un Metro que no usará nadie, pero no hay para aumentar los sueldos, donde nadie gana suficiente dinero y a todos nos está llevando el mismísimo, no obstante todos los años suben las ventas de Jeepetas de lujos en todos los estratos sociales.

Un país sin conciencia, que no se acuerda de nada. Y no obstante sigo con la fe de algún día ser Jefe de la Administración Pública, aunque debo admitir que con menos pasión que ántes.

Ya no me ilusiona el cambio al que podría contribuir, pues se que será más fácil que me tumben por no contribuir a la cuota de empleos del partido y los aliados, pues vivimos en un país donde el Gobierno no es más que la agencia de empleos con más éxito, dónde los méritos y las cualidades no bastan para lucirse ante una tarjetica o una llamada o un carnet de colores.

Pero tengo fe, de que aunque veo que todo seguirá siendo igual sin que a nadie le importe, algún día a alguien le va a importar.

O por lo menos quiero creer que así será...
