Friday, May 23, 2008

Ok, so lately I've been feeling a bit "not"so perceptive of other peoples attemps at approaching me. I think everything I've been through has forced me into some sort of cluster and now I can't get out of it.

Its sometimes hard to be a loner, but it is for the best. When I'm like this, nobody (including me) gets hurt. I admit that I have tried in the past to open up, but I just keep falling for the wrong type of species. Sometimes I ask myself if its all worth it, to keep trying.

Sometimes I think changing would be best, but then, why would I want to be with someone who would like me for how I look, not for who I am? Or am I the one who is getting things wrong.

I'm currently in the process of "meeting" someone, and I must say that I have my reserves. I just don't want to keep looking for the roulette method of winning, but I'm guessing the only way to try and win the lotto is by actually playing it.

So lets hope for the best. I'll keep you guys posted.


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