Thursday, October 21, 2010

La Mascotica

En poco menos de tres meses y un poco más estaré cumpliendo 30 años. Yo no me lo creo aún y me ha sido muy difícil aceptar el hecho de que la adultez me toca la puerta y yo no me siento listo para ello.

Qué hacer en este caso? Lo mismo que hago siempre: No paniquearme e improvisar un plan perfecto de último minuto. Pero por dónde empiezo?

Por escribirlo todo.

Mi jefe siempre anda para arriba y para abajo con una mascota. En ella, el anota hasta quien lo llamó por teléfono para decirle que llegaron del colmado con un refresco rojo. Claro, mi jefe siempre está a dieta y no bebe refresco rojo, pero hasta ese límite llega su uso de la mascotica. Según me cuenta, una de esas mascoticas llegó hasta la Suprema Corte de Justicia como evidencia de que en efecto, una conversación sí sucedió, lo que se habló en ella, por cuanto tiempo y cuáles compromisos surgieron de ella.

Mientras él me contaba, yo iba pensando: Y si yo organizo cronológicamente mis primeros treinta años, quizás no en una mascota, pero en una especie de diario, desde lo más lejos que recuerde de mi infancia hasta los fatídicos 30 que ya se avecinan? Quizás nadie compre el libro, pero por lo menos yo tendré un buen resumen de todo lo que he hecho y dejado de hacer en este tiempo.

Quizás muchas cosas queden maquilladas, otras no, el lector se dará cuenta de cada una, pero todos los eventos que escribiré serán situaciones reales que he man sucedido. Todo estará basado en los hechos, obviamente desde mi punto de vista de como pasó todo. Hablaré de mi experiencia infantil, de mi familia, de la escuela, la universidad, mis trabajos y una que otra intimidad. Quizás hasta hable de una que otra aventura por ahí. Hasta historias de amor habrán, pocas, pero habrán.

La idea, más allá de producir un libro comercial (que no lo es), es dejar por sentado mi parecer sobre todo lo vivido, una autobiografía personal y recuento de muchas cosas buenas y malas, y que la única forma de enfrentar que tengo será el lápiz... probablemente una pluma, ya veremos.

Con esto listo, quedará sólo una de las tres cosas que un hombre debe hacer para vivir una vida plena: Tener un hijo, que junto a sembrar un árbol y escribir un libro completan el grupo.

Claro está, sería el primer volumen de mi biografía, que oportunamente revisaré y modificaré y complementaré para que cuando salga el volumen 2 (a los 60), cuando probablemente me anime a publicarlas a ver quien se atreve a comprar ese librito.

Mientras, le doy inicio a esta nueva locura con la que me ha cogido en el día de hoy.

A buscar la mascotica!!!


Monday, October 11, 2010

It gets better... though not for everybody.

While I'm in the US, I've come across with all sorts of information, and giving that its mid-term election time, information is everywhere concerning the issues and interests of all sorts of groups here. One of the main issues however, as expected, is the issue of gay relationships, legal status and of course, discrimination.

Most notably, and this is something that I've come across since before coming here, is the issues regarding the wave of gay suicides as a result of massive bullying in high schools, or taunting as was the case in Tyler Clementi's suicide, who was broadcasted over the internet having sex with someone.

In one of my visits to the local Barnes & Noble, the was this medical journal's research regarding psychopaths and how they can distinguish between right and wrong and actually stopping from doing the things they do. Though I'm inclined to think that this would be the case with bullies, the answer is much more simple: Although the can't (in fact) stop doing the things they do, its because they're too stupid to do so, not because they are sick. Anyone who feeds on the pain of others knows all too well of his own weaknesses in order to perform the acts they carry on out. But its because we don't act that his conduct carries on through time.

I think its time to act.

During my days in school I can't say I was bullied, at least not in ways I couldn't defend myself. Schools I've been into have been too small, too strict or not strict at in for it to matter. But I can't say I haven't seen bullying arround me.

Journalist Dan Savage recently started a campaign, and I want to promote this campaign through this blog. He calls it "It Gets Better". And it does. Personally High School was the most boring time of my life, although I learned a lot, it wasn't until just 3 or 4 years ago I realized nothing of what happened back then matters now. And it doesn't matter in a way that I look back at the stuff happening back then and I just laugh at it. Seeing where I am now, and where my rhetorical bullies are... its just epic.

High school, or school in general, is one of the most important times in one's life as it is where one shapes an identity for one's self and its incredible how a single human being can absorb the things being said and done around him and how all this information can control the way you think and act (good or bad) and its up to us to decide how all of this converts us into what we are. In times like now when we have so many resources it is unacceptable to allow lesser human beings make you feel less than what you are for being who you are.

Believe it or not, your parents are always there. If not, trust your brothers and sisters who are older, they've been there done that and (hopefully) moved on in life to bigger and better things and they can guide you. And even though I haven't taken that extra step for reasons personal to me, I know that if I should take that step,  I'd have their support. Live your life to the fullest, be the best at what you do, and always help others and you'll see nothing you do in your private life will affect how others see you. If it does, it means they really weren't that important to you.

Some videos below.
